Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ava, Day 1 and 2- "Welcome to the World Little One"

EXTRA, EXTRA!  Read all about it! Miss Ava Pauline Lancaster is here!!!  After 11 hours of labor and two big pushes (yep, you read it right.  Only two.) Ava has arrived and made her mark on this world.  I will go ahead and apologize to those who have been checking for updates on the site and ending up disappointed, (*cough *cough, Brian!) but it was hard to tear myself away from our little bundle of joy.  Oh, and also, I finally slept...hard.  Because I have already failed at posting the first days festivities of Ava's "Birth"day, I will give you a little more than just a picture.  Brian and Penny ended up bringing a video camera so that we may capture Lil' Ava in all her glory.  The video is of Ava and her mommy shortly after delivery giving us a strong cry to show us what we will be expecting in the coming months.  And speaking of Ava's mommy.  Robin was so amazing and I'm so proud of her.  Even when her contractions looked like the Rockies on the Contract-O-Meter, she breathed right through them and trucked on.  She later needed the epidural and finally felt some relief, thus making us all feel a little better (especially my hand).  Ava's birth was a magical moment, one that I am glad that Penny, Brian, and my mom, Beverly, all got to witness.  Everyone pitched in to coach Robin through her peaks and cheer her along creating the most sincerest and inspirational of family moments.  I was so happy to share that with them.  But now, enough with the mushy-gushy.  I will shut up and let you see some of the first pictures in Day 1 and 2 of Ava's new life (more will soon come).  Welcome to the world baby girl.


  1. Great job John and thank you so much for being part of our family and letting us be part of yours!!!! Love you, Brian and Penny

  2. She is so gorgeous. We can't wait to meet the new Lancaster woman! Love yall.

  3. so amazing! I can't believe 2 pushes!!! Congratulations Lancasters!
