Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ava, Day 194 - Learning to Sit Up!

Ava, Day 193 - Passed Out after 6 Month Shots

Ava, Day 192 - 6 Months!

  Our little miss Ava is now 6 months and some change.  To say it has been a truly amazing experience would be an understatement.  Robin and I have been told many, many times that we would forget what life was like before Ava was born, and I can now stand here, personally, proudly, and attest to that.  What we have found in these short 6 months is a love that we could have never believed possible.  Ava has taken over our life and has done so in such an wonderful and miraculous way.  It has been difficult and trying and extraordinarily exhausting; however, what we have received in return is countless little beautiful smiles, infectious giggles, and the increasingly monumental moments of seeing Ava discover new things about life and what she can do.  Having Ava has been the best thing that has happened to us, and that's how it should be.  It is a strenuous test as a couple to surmount and overcome stressful and irritating moments, but we found we did just that.  We have become a team, tagging in and out on diaper duty, bath time, mid-night-comforts, and all the other intricacies of parenting; we have become a family.  Our family has been an amazing source of support, strength, and knowledge and without them this experience would have been much different.  Being raised by such amazing and endearing parents has been transcended to our immense love and belief in Ava.  We can only hope to be as supportive, trusting, and calm as our parents were.  Ava has become a beautiful little girl and is still trucking along.  With the help of most you, our family and friends, she has been able to get this far; fully loved along the way, and for that we thank you.

      We love you, we adore you, and we are so proud to apart of your life.

  P.s.  Your poop is really starting to stink.

Grandpa Lancaster, we love and miss you.  Thank you for all you have done to make me the man I am today.  Ava is blessed to have met and have been loved by you.